Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (ENGOs) are one of the main sources of environment-related news in our country.


They often communicate in several ways: new projects that they have designed and that will be implemented in favor of Nature/environment, others that have already been completed and it is important to highlight the results or promote their replication; they denounce actions and projects of third parties - public and private - that violate the natural heritage and environment and, often, against the legislation in force (constituting true environmental crimes) or national and international agendas; and also about actions and programs of environmental education and awareness directed at different target audiences, among others. And they often do so with high technical and scientific content, reinforcing the legitimacy of their words and actions.


In general, NGOs truthfully report the state of the environment in Portugal and share their experience with the media, so that the message they convey goes further and generates greater information, awareness, and mobilization of society.


Although this is the scenario outlined, it is important to understand the side of the media. After all, how do the media see the work developed by NGOs? Are NGOs communicating in the best way? Are there ways to make it easier for them to connect with the media? How can their message go even further?


Moderated by LPN, the second roundtable of the Environmental Journalism Week will discuss "Environmental NGOs as a vehicle for media news". On Tuesday, May 24, the two sides that give rise to them will meet around this theme: the Non-Governmental Organizations for the Environment and the media.





Rúben Oliveira                    Domingos Leitão





Rita Grossinho                     Teresa Firmino

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