The Environmental Training Centre is accredited by the Scientific Pedagogical Council for Continuous Training (CCPFC) for teacher training.

Continuing Training for teachers aims to contribute to the improvement and scientific updating of teachers in the area of the environment and nature conservation.

The contact of teachers with LPN programs, and even with those of other organizations and associations, creates didactic, experiential and reflective situations that influence future educational actions of environmental citizenship, optimizing their results in terms of promoting sustainability and citizenship among the populations.

By carrying out actions with a large practical component, namely field work activities, field trips, study visits, especially in protected areas, they provide strategies, tools and didactic resources for teachers with application in their professional life, contributing to the improvement of their educational practices.

The aim is to promote the knowledge of the natural heritage articulated with the cultural heritage, deepening the knowledge associated to them, and thus contributing to overcome some of the scientific insecurity that sometimes occurs in teachers.




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