LPN supports the Petition "for a green and fair recovery for Europe after COVID-19", which aims to call on European Union and national leaders to face with solidarity, courage and innovation the unprecedented crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
During this time of crisis, which is taking many lives and endangering the livelihoods of others, it is essential that our leaders provide a strong response. We welcome plans to make substantial funds available to combat the health emergency, unemployment, and support Europe's small businesses, but more is needed.
Millions of Europeans are waiting for the end of quarantine, for the day when they can reunite with family and friends and return to work. But we don't want to go back to "business as usual," we don't want to go back to an economic model that has exacerbated social inequalities, compromised our health, and brought nature and our planet to the brink of collapse. Instead, we believe that now is the time to make our economies radically greener, fairer, and more resilient to future shocks.
While the immediate priority is to address this public health emergency, public stimulus packages will need to be developed in order to revive the economy, create millions of jobs, and support people - especially the most vulnerable - in this difficult time. How we respond to the crisis will determine our failure or success in fighting climate change, nature loss, pollution and inequality, and creating health benefits for all.
The EU and its governments must therefore demonstrate leadership and vision in directing all public investments towards accelerating the transition to a fairer, more resilient and sustainable economy by giving a boost to the European Green Deal.
We call on political leaders to develop comprehensive European and national Sustainable Recovery Plans:
We support the many calls for a green recovery that have come from across Europe: from 13 European governments, Members of the European Parliament, the Club of Rome, scientists, NGOs, 200 business and political representatives, energy companies and many more. The European Council also called on the EU to prepare an economic recovery plan integrating the green transition. To these voices we add ours!
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