Support the restoration of nature across Europe.


Nature as we know it is heading toward extinction.
And the cause is human activity.




LPN supports a #RestoreNature campaign launched by BirdLife Europe, European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and WWF European Policy Office.


The campaign calls for nature restoration throughout Europe and aims to:

  • Demonstrate the benefits of nature restoration through successful projects.
  • Create synergies with green recovery / climate mitigation and adaptation advocacy.
  • Create a unique opportunity to use what has already been done through LIFE projects, in nature reserves, for species restoration.


Forest exploitation for timber production, intensive agriculture and overfishing have brought a million animal and plant species to the point where they are hanging by a thread.

We are in the midst of a sixth mass extinction with species disappearing at more than 100 times the natural rate, right before our very eyes, with disastrous consequences for our climate, our health, and our well-being.

Protecting what remains is necessary, but it is not enough. We also need to bring nature back. We need to Restore Nature now. Our survival depends on it.


 We have reached 100,000 signatures!



EEB, BirdLife Europe and the WWF European Policy Office, will meet with the EU Commissioner for the Environment, Virginijus Sinkevičius, to hand over the signatures, demanding that nature across the EU must be restored through a strong nature restoration law.


It's about the survival of our precious wetlands, peatlands, grasslands, forests, floodplains, rivers and oceans. But it's also about our climate, our health, and the survival of humanity.

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