LPN supports the Stop Finning - Stop the Trade European Citizens' Initiative, which aims to end the trade in shark fins in Europe.
Although the removal of fins on board of EU vessels and in EU waters is prohibited and sharks must be landed with their fins naturally attached, the EU is among the biggest exporters of fins and a major transit hub for the global fin trade.
With the EU being a major player in shark exploitation and inspections at sea being scarce, fins continue to be illegally kept on board, transhipped or landed in the EU.
We aim to end the trade of fins in the EU including the import, export and transit of fins other than if naturally attached to the animal’s body.
As finning prevents effective shark conservation measures, we request to extend REGULATION (EU) No 605/2013 also to the trade of fins and therefore ask the commission to develop a new regulation, extending “fins naturally attached” to all trading of sharks and rays in the EU.
Over the last 50 years, some shark species have seen their populations reduced by up to 97%, and already one third of species are in danger of extinction.
Help us ban the trade in shark fins in the European Union by supporting the European Citizens' Initiative Stop Finning - Stop the Trade.
By the end of January 2022, a total of at least one million signatures must be collected, and the minimum number of signatures must be reached in at least a quarter of EU states, currently seven EU states. The minimum number required is about 750 times the number of members of the European Parliament in that country - in Portugal, for example, 15,800 signatures are needed.
Know more at www.stop-finning-eu.org
Finning is a brutal practice used in deep sea fishing. Sometimes sharks are hunted selectively, but increasingly finning is also practised in "bycatch" during tuna and swordfish fishing. Immediately after the sharks are caught, all fins are cut off and the amputated bodies thrown back into the sea. During this mutilation, the animals still alive are usually conscious and, unable to swim, sink into the sea where they bleed to death or suffocate.
Every year, it is estimated that at least 73 million sharks die for their fins alone, considered a highly desirable ingredient in shark fin soup, especially in Asia.
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