The forests need your help!

#JuntosPelasFlorestas #Together4Forests



Awareness Campaign for people's participation in the consultation



LPN joins the Together4Forests campaign led in Portugalby ANP|WWF, along with Associação 1%, Biovilla, Quercus, Raízes Mag, SPEA, SOS ANIMAL, The Climate Reality Project and Zero.


Forests are essential to our survival. Not only do they give us the air we breathe and purify the water we drink, they are also home to millions of plants, animals and indigenous communities. In addition, healthy forests protect us from disease and absorb carbon emissions from the atmosphere.


Destructive agriculture leads to the degradation of forests and other natural habitats. Without knowing it, Europeans consume products containing ingredients from deforested areas and other destroyed habitats such as savannahs. Today, the European Union allows products linked to deforestation and habitat destruction to enter the European market. This means that, without even knowing it, we are eating our forests!


We want the European Commission to protect our forests and our future, NOW!


We now have a unique opportunity to halt deforestation. A new European law on deforestation-related products is now within our reach, and the European Commission has opened a public consultation so that we can have our say on a law.






Act Now! #Together4Forests

ask the European Commission to protect our future!




Research shows that we are losing natural habitats at an alarming level. Over the last decade, the Amazon has lost an amount of trees equivalent to 8.4 million football fields, and 10 million football fields of natural habitat have been destroyed in the Cerrado, the most biodiverse savannah in the world. The main reason is destructive agriculture for commodities like soy, used to feed animals, palm oil, cattle, cocoa and more. These ingredients hide on supermarket shelves, and are extremely difficult to avoid.


The European Union must take a leading role in protecting forests and other ecosystems. If we do not stop deforestation, forest degradation and conversion and degradation of other ecosystems, we risk losing the fight against climate change and the collapse of biodiversity. But you can help change this!




Deforestation and land destruction is a complex problem in which we are all directly or indirectly involved. Since the European Union does not prevent products linked to the destruction of nature from entering the EU market, they easily find their way onto supermarket shelves and consequently onto our plates. Palm oil is an ingredient in most processed foods and cosmetic products, while soya is used to feed animals raised for the meat and dairy industry. We are literally eating our forests without being aware of it.


The European Union is not only a major importer of palm oil and soya, but also of other products that lead to deforestation, such as Amazonian beef, coffee and cocoa. We don't want to ban these products - we want to make sure they are produced in a sustainable way. But to do that, we need a strong European law. And you can help.




Consumers deserve to be confident that their food choices do not inadvertently contribute to deforestation, ecosystem conversion and land degradation. A strong law preventing products linked to deforestation and ecosystem degradation from entering the European market by 2021 could achieve this. Such a law would have a huge impact, and is now being discussed in Brussels. It is within our reach, but we need your help to make it happen!



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