On October 10, 2022 our European Citizens' Initiative "Save Bees and Farmers" was formally approved, with 1.05 million valid signatures. We are all congratulated!
The signatures from all 27 European Union (EU) member states have been accepted and the European Commission has declared the Initiative successful. This success marks a very clear and strong desire of EU citizens to strongly reduce the use of pesticides.
The EU's response comes at a very important time, as discussions in the EU Parliament and Council on the new pesticide reduction law have already begun and are being strongly questioned.
Together we made the "Save Bees and Farmers" Initiative a success.
The more than 1 million European citizens who signed this Initiative demand a phase-out of synthetic pesticides and the restoration of nature in agricultural areas. As a next step, the authors of the Initiative will be invited by the European Commission to a hearing at the European Parliament to exchange with European Parliamentarians about the demands of this European Citizens' Initiative (find more here).
We want the European Union to make sure that agriculture is environmentally friendly and free of synthetic pesticides. We call for support for farmers to work with nature. The proposed new EU regulation to reduce the use of pesticides is not ambitious enough. With the validation of this European Citizens' Initiative we intend to do much better!
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