Bee Responsible: the guardians of pollinators

October 21 was another day of activity for the Bee Responsible project.

The Bee Responsible project is an Iberian project coordinated in Portugal by the League for the Protection of Nature (LPN) and by Ecocolmena in Spain.

The core of this project's conservation actions is in the heart of the Alentejo, on the plains of Castro Verde, where the LPN owns the Vale Gonçalinho Environmental Education Center (CEAVG) and co-manages the Castro Verde Biosphere Reserve.

First thing in the morning, the group began their journey with a trip to the CEAVG. Once there, the group was told that the day's program would be divided into two parts, with the morning starting with the restoration of the old stone wall and the afternoon being spent planting aromatic plants.





The hustle and bustle began, some preparing the mass, others unloading the stone and others laying stone upon stone to give the wall its structure. By the end of the morning, our goal had been achieved: 15 meters of wall recovered!

The cavities and cracks in a stone wall can provide favorable conditions for various species of birds, reptiles, mammals and insects, including wild bees, beetles, ants and spiders. This was proven when a field mouse wandering nearby found refuge in one of these cracks!

After a well-deserved lunch break, we started planting aromatic plants: lavender (Lavandula stoechas), thyme (Thymus mastichina) and sargassum (Cistus monspeliensis). Three native species, perfectly adapted to the region's climatic conditions.

At the end of the day, our commitment was complete! Providing shelter and increasing the availability of food for pollinators are two essential measures to help reverse the rate of decline of these small beings, which are indispensable for the health of the planet and the subsistence of human beings.

Many thanks to the Vileda team from the Freudenberg Group!



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